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JAC Class 10th English VVI Character Sketch 2023 : 29 मार्च 5 मार्क्स पक्का करलो

Last Updated on 28, March 2023 by JAC Rankers

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JAC Class 10th English VVI Character Sketch 2023 : 29 मार्च 5 मार्क्स पक्का करलो 

झारखंड बोर्ड द्वारा आयोजित होने वाले 29 मार्च को अंग्रेजी परीक्षा में पांच नंबर के एक कैरेक्टर स्केच (चरित्र चित्रण) का प्रश्न पूछा जाएगा जिस प्रश्न के लिए नंबर दिए जाएंगे । नीचे कुछ अति महत्वपूर्ण करैक्टर स्केच दिया जा रहा है जो आपकी बोर्ड परीक्षा 29 मार्च के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है । आप इन प्रश्नों को एक बार कम से कम कॉपी में लिखकर अभ्यास जरूर कर लीजिएगा क्योंकि उम्मीद है यहां से आपके बोर्ड परीक्षा में एक प्रश्न अवश्य रहेंगे ।

Class 10th English VVICharacter Sketch

1. Give a character sketch of Horace Danby.

Ans- Horace Danby was unmarried. He was about fifty years old. He was a good-natured man. Therefore, everyone liked him. He was fairly successful in his profession of lock-making. He always minded his own business and lived peacefully. He was considered a good and respectable citizen However, he was not completely honest. He had a keen fondness of rare and expensive books. He needed a great deal of money to buy his desired books. He started committing thefts with a view to meeting his expenses on books. Nevertheless, Horace Danby was a typical thief. He robbed just one safe every year. Moreover, he stole only from those who had a lot of money. He never thought of hurting anybody. Therefore, he did not carry any weapons. The lady outwitted him only because he trusted her. He feared the prison. Therefore, he was submissive, rather than aggressive. He was always successful at robbery except on two occasions.

2 . Write a character sketch of Anil .

Ans- Anil was a writer. He was an easy going and careless man. He spent whatever he earned by writing for magazines. He lived in the present and did not care a pin for the future. He was a simple and kind-hearted person. He was trusting and generous. He agreed to feed Hari Singh when he said that he could cook.However, he did not turn him out of his house when he proved a hopeless cook. Rather he decided to teach him both to cook and to read and write. Though he know that Hari Singh made money from daily purchases yet he did not mind it. Rather he trusted Hari Singh fully. He gave him every opportunity to mend or reform himself.

            Anil was a noble-minded person. He chose not to expose Hari Singh’s attempted theft. He was Hari Singh’s reformer. He turned a thief into a respectable person.

3. Give the character sketch of Matilda.

Ans – Matilda was exceptionally pretty. By virtue of her good looks, she felt that she was born for all delicacies and luxuries. She wished to be admired and loved, and to be married to some rich or renowned person. But she was unlucky. She was born into a family of clerks. Since she had no dowry, she agreed to marry a petty clerk. She was always grumbling. The poverty of her house tortured her. She dreamt of lavish parties and rich dresses and jewels. Her dreamy, ambitions and vain nature pushed her into trouble. She paid a heavy price for her foolish desires. She borrowed a necklace to wear at a hall. She was intoxicated with the joy and success. But the necklace was lost. That ruined her physically as well as materially. From a beauty queen she became a crude, hard woman of a poor family.

4. Write a character sketch of Bholi.

Ans- Bholi was a simple, but sensitive girl. Unfortunately, she suffered from a head injury and smallpox. It made her suffer all through her life. She couldn’t speak till she was five. She stammered when she started speaking. The attack of smallpox had permanently disfigured her whole body leaving black pock marks.  She was a hard working and dedicated learner. With her teacher’s support, she grew to be confident, bold and independent. Seeing her teacher’s faith in her abilities, she made efforts to improve herself. Her confident and bold attitude to raise her voice against a social evil proved that she was educated in a true sense of terms.

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